▷ Lanas para Tejer

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ICE Angora Luxe Light Jeans Blue The gauge we given is for 4 mm knitting needles. Contingut de fibra 75% Acrílic, 15% Llana, 10% Moher, Light Jeans Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, fnt2-82692 Category:
▷ Lanas para Tejer
Mohair - Angora - Wool
4.4 stars, based on 25 reviews Regular price: $9.99 $9.99 Available from: ▷ Lanas para Tejer Condition: Previously owned, in excellent condition In stock! Order now!

Mohair - Angora - Wool Angora Luxe Light Jeans Blue, Mohair - Angora - Wool

The gauge we given is for 4 mm knitting needles. Contingut de fibra 75% Acrílic, 15% Llana, 10% Moher, Light Jeans Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, fnt2-82692
