▷ Lanas para Tejer

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ICE Jeans Blanco Azul índigo Strong pure cotton yarn in beautiful colours, reminiscent of bleached denim. Machine washable and dryable. Contenido de fibra 100% Algodón, White, Indigo Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, Yarn Thickness 3 Light DK, Light, Worsted, fnt2-42571 Category:
▷ Lanas para Tejer
Hilos para el verano
4.4 stars, based on 3278 reviews Regular price: $12.99 $12.99 Available from: ▷ Lanas para Tejer Condition: Previously owned, in excellent condition In stock! Order now!

Hilos para el verano, Summer Lase, Chain Shine, Derya algodón, Swirl, Ibiza, Mallorca, El algodón orgánico, Prima de viscosa, Algodón Elite, Use el hilo dental Acryl, Acrílico Lase, Algodón Mélange Lase, Suave Pearl, Pirulí, Cottonac , Samira , Cordonet lurex, Verano mercerizado, Use el hilo dental de viscosa, Cruz de algodón, Viscosa metálico de la cadena, Zig-Zag , Keith , Karmen viscosa, Brillante, Crujiente de viscos Jeans Blanco Azul índigo, Hilos para el verano

Strong pure cotton yarn in beautiful colours, reminiscent of bleached denim. Machine washable and dryable. Contenido de fibra 100% Algodón, White, Indigo Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, Yarn Thickness 3 Light DK, Light, Worsted, fnt2-42571
