▷ Lanas para Tejer
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ICE Jeans Blanc Bleu jean
Strong pure cotton yarn in beautiful colours, reminiscent of bleached denim. Machine washable and dryable. Composition 80% Coton, 20% Acrylique, White, Jeans Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, fnt2-75392
4.4 stars, based on 919
Regular price: $13.99
Available from: ▷ Lanas para Tejer
Condition: Previously owned,
in excellent condition
In stock! Order now!
Fils pour l'été tout légers et colorés... Jeans Blanc Bleu jean, Fils d'été
Strong pure cotton yarn in beautiful colours, reminiscent of bleached denim. Machine washable and dryable. Composition 80% Coton, 20% Acrylique, White, Jeans Blue, Brand Ice Yarns, fnt2-75392